Physical health and overall wellness are key components of successful, long-term recovery. Recreational activities and general exercise teach people in treatment how to have fun – and pass the time – in ways that are positive, life-affirming, and have nothing to do with using alcohol or drugs.

Fitness Program With Richard Carey

Why Exercise?

During recovery, nutrition and exercise work together to release endorphins, which improve mood and increase optimism while decreasing symptoms of anxiety, depression, and other co-occurring disorders. During withdrawal from substances, the mood-boosting effects of exercise help you manage withdrawal symptoms, which promotes optimism and prepares you to begin treatment with a fresh mind and attitude.

Recreational Activities for Addiction Recovery

Health & Wellness at The Ridge

During our residential programs, we schedule outdoor exercise and recreation every day. When our patients get their bodies moving, we see them become more engaged in treatment and more hopeful that they can succeed. This positive outlook and mood significantly increases their chance at achieving long-term sobriety.

Customized Recreational Activities

During your treatment programming, you will have many opportunities to exercise, be active and enjoy your surroundings. Available activities include:

  • Full use of our on-site exercise facility
  • Fitness instructor
  • 1.5 hours of scheduled daily recreation
  • Ample greenspace for hiking and meditation
  • Volleyball, swimming, and other recreational sports
  • Fishing in our stocked pond
  • Swimming or relaxing poolside
  • Yoga
  • Basketball and pickleball court

In addition to overall health benefits, regular exercise during treatment can help patients establish a new, life-affirming habit that often becomes a critical element in their aftercare plan, which reduces the chances of relapse.

The Ridge: Recovery for Life

It’s time for change.
(513) 457-7963