The path to drug addiction is often accidental. You may start with prescription medication or occasional recreational use. Over time, it may become how you handle stress and uncomfortable emotions. That’s when it can get out of hand, and have severe negative consequences for your physical, psychological, and emotional health.

At The Ridge Ohio, we treat drug addiction with compassion using evidence-based modalities that prioritize holistic healing. Learn more about the signs and symptoms of drug abuse, and contact our team to learn more about our life-changing treatment options.

Ohio Alcohol and Drug Abuse Statistics

In Ohio, drug overdose deaths have consistently been on the rise, with 2020 seeing the highest number of unintentional drug overdose deaths on record. In fact, in 2020 drug overdose deaths surpassed motor vehicle crashes as the leading cause of injury death in the state for the first time ever. Though reported deaths from overdose slightly decreased by -4.77% from 2022 to 2023 according to the CDC, drug addiction is still a serious problem that requires serious solutions.

One particularly concerning trend is the disproportionate impact of drug overdose deaths on the Black non-Hispanic population. In 2020, the drug overdose death rate for this group surpassed that of white non-Hispanics, with Black non-Hispanic males experiencing the highest drug overdose death rate of any group in the state.

Fentanyl, a powerful synthetic opioid, played a significant role in these overdose deaths. In 2020, it was involved in an alarming 81% of all overdose deaths in Ohio, often in combination with other drugs. This percentage has been steadily increasing over the past few years, with Fentanyl being involved in 81% of overdose deaths in 2022. Fentanyl was also found to be involved in a high percentage of overdose deaths related to other drugs, including 83% of heroin-related overdose deaths, 80% of cocaine-related overdose deaths, and 79% of methamphetamine-related overdose deaths.

 Signs and Symptoms of Drug Addiction

If you suspect you or a loved one has developed a substance use disorder, consult the following list detailing common signs of drug addiction. Do you or they:

  • Experience intense cravings for a drug of choice
  • Spend time planning how to acquire that drug
  • Use that drug once a day or more
  • Need to use more to experience the same effect
  • Think about using instead of things like family, work, or school
  • Spend money meant for things like food or rent on drugs
  • Lie to friends and family about drug use
  • Drive while under the influence of drugs
  • Take drugs to avoid withdrawal symptoms
  • Steal money or sell personal possessions to get money for drugs
  • Withdraw from friends and family because of drug use
  • Experience problems at work, home, or school because of drug use
  • Continue to use drugs knowing they cause problems at work, home, or school
  • Feel unable to stop using drugs

You or your loved one may not have reached a crisis moment – yet. However, engaging in the behaviors and experiencing the thoughts we’ve described can mean it’s time to evaluate drug use. We encourage you to consider whether these signs of drug abuse are causing harm.

If you or someone you care about are feeling overwhelmed by drug addiction, we’re here to help. Reach out to our incredible providers to learn more about our comprehensive treatment options and programs. A life free from the cycle of drug use is one call away.

What Are The Best Evidence-Based Treatment Methods for Substance Use Disorder In Ohio?

There are several evidence-based treatment methods for substance use disorder that have been proven to be effective in helping individuals overcome their addiction and achieve long-term recovery. These treatment methods include:

  1. Medications: Medications such as methadone, buprenorphine, and naltrexone can be effective in reducing cravings and withdrawal symptoms and helping individuals achieve and maintain abstinence from drugs or alcohol.
  2. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT): CBT is a type of therapy that helps individuals identify and change negative thoughts and behaviors that contribute to their substance use.
  3. Motivational interviewing: This approach helps individuals clarify their values and goals and develop a plan for achieving long-term recovery.
  4. 12-step programs: 12-step programs, such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA), provide a supportive community for individuals in recovery and offer a structured program for achieving and maintaining abstinence.
  5. Holistic therapies: Holistic therapies, such as art therapy, music therapy, and exercise therapy, can help individuals address the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of their recovery.

It’s important to note that the most effective treatment plan for an individual with substance use disorder will depend on their specific needs and circumstances, and if an individual is struggling with their mental health they may need dual-diagnosis treatment. It’s important to work with a qualified healthcare professional to determine the best treatment approach for you.

How Is Alcohol Abuse Different From Drug Addiction?

Alcohol abuse and drug addiction are both serious conditions that can have significant negative impacts on a person’s physical and mental health, as well as their relationships and overall quality of life. However, there are some key differences between alcohol abuse and drug addiction:

  1. Preferred substance: Alcohol abuse refers to the excessive consumption of alcohol, while drug addiction refers to the compulsive use of drugs, such as opioids, stimulants, or sedatives.
  2. Dependence: Both alcohol abuse and drug abuse can lead to physical dependence, where the body becomes accustomed to the presence of the substance and experiences withdrawal symptoms when it is not present. However, the severity of withdrawal symptoms can vary depending on the substance being abused.
  3. Legal status: Alcohol is a legal substance, while many drugs are illegal to possess or use.
  4. Treatment approaches: Treatment for alcohol abuse and drug addiction may involve similar approaches, such as counseling and support groups, but the specific methods used may vary depending on the substance being abused.

It’s important to note that alcoholism and drug addiction are both serious conditions that require professional treatment. If you or someone you know is struggling with substance abuse, it’s important to seek help from a medical or mental health professional.

Specialized Programs for Drug Use

By tailoring programs to the individual needs of each client we help them forge a path towards life-long sobriety. Dependence on a specific substance may require special attention or unique modalities throughout the detox, inpatient, or outpatient process. Our expert team is trained in treating dependence on numerous substances using holistic methods rooted in science. Drugs we specialize in treating include:

  • Cocaine
  • Opioids
  • Heroin
  • Methamphetamines
  • Marijuana
  • Fentanyl
  • Benzodiazepines

If you or a loved one are struggling with addiction to a drug that may or may not be on this list, reach out to our team to learn more about our programming options.

Get Help For Drug Addiction At The Ridge Ohio

At The Ridge, we embrace the concept of integrated, comprehensive treatment. Our holistic approach is entirely based on what you need to achieve your vision of life without drug use. We have a full-time team of compassionate medical and mental health providers who are here to walk beside you as you find joy, purpose, and fulfillment.

We listen to you, learn about your goals for treatment, and work with you to create a plan tailored to leverage your strengths and address your challenge areas. Your plan will give you the tools you need to start your recovery journey with the best possible chance of living the life you choose, free from the cycles of addiction.

Ready to start your journey to sobriety? Verify your insurance and contact our admissions team today to hear about our customized treatment programs.

The Ridge: Recovery for Life

It’s time for change.
(513) 457-7963