Not all substance abuse treatment programs are created equal.
Choosing the Right Program or Rehab Facility
When you’re seeking treatment for yourself or a loved one, you have questions:
Does rehab even work?
How can you be sure rehab is going to successfully put you or a loved on track to lasting recovery?
How can you ensure you or your loved won’t relapse and have to do it all over again?
The answer to the first one is easy: yes, evidence-based treatment for alcohol and substance use disorder works.
The answer to the next two questions is not easy, but it is simple: you need to pick the right treatment center the first time.
That leads to one more question:
How do you know which program is best?
The answer: you look for a program that espouses the medical model of addiction, offers integrated, holistic treatment in a setting conducive to recovery, has a proven track record of success, and has a treatment philosophy that resonates with your or your loved one.
For thousands of patients over the last ten years, The Ridge has been that best choice.
High Recovery Rate at The Ridge
Patients who complete our residential and aftercare programs have a high estimated recovery rate. That means our alumni patients don’t check in and out of rehab every other month: they get sober and stay sober. Considering the investment of time and money required to complete a residential treatment program, repeating the process is both impractical and unrealistic. This incentivizes getting it right the first time. The Ridge is physician-managed and features a treatment program designed by certified addictionologists who are experts on the latest in addiction medicine: we hang our hat on the kind of clinical excellence and superior programming that drastically increases your chance of initial treatment success, or getting it right the first time.
The Best Amenities in the Midwest
Our residential facilities are located on a beautiful, 51-acre estate and feature two renovated treatment homes that sit on a hill amidst ample greenspace maintained just for you. We have a sauna, a fishing pond, swimming pool, and on-site chefs who prepare fresh, nutritious meals every day.
Most people think rehab facilities are all intimidating, sterile, featureless, hospital-like places where patients sleep in rooms about the size (and with the same aesthetic qualities) of college dorm rooms.
The Ridge is the opposite of that.
Beating addiction is tough enough on its own, so we believe it’s only fair you should be as comfortable as possible while you do it – but all the amenities and peaceful environments in the world don’t help unless they’re backed by an evidence-based program with a proven track record of success.
Intense Focus on Long-Term Sobriety
We make you comfortable while you’re here, but we also focus on keeping you sober after you finish treatment. The Ridge strongly recommends that upon discharge, you stay active in support groups, like AA or NA, or outpatient care. People who maintain sobriety for a long time often think they don’t need to stay focused. They have mild cravings, a good daily routine, and think they’re safe from relapse and no longer need to stay active in support groups.
We firmly believe this is a mistake. The fact that you’re thriving in recovery doesn’t mean you’re immune to relapse: we’ve seen people with decades of sobriety fall off the wagon and lose everything. That’s why going to meetings is crucial. Your recovery peers keep you honest and on your toes. And for people new in recovery, seeing someone confident in their sobriety after decades of diligent work can be an example of what they can achieve if they stick to their program.
Family Matters
Millions of adults in the U.S. have and alcohol or substance use disorder. Approximately one in three households suffer from, are exposed to, or are otherwise impacted by addiction. The Ridge helps those families heal and out their lives back together again.
Addiction is a disease that is often driven factors such as genetics, trauma, and mental health issues. We treat the whole person and seek to understand the underlying behaviors that lead to addiction. We involve families in the process by providing them with both educational workshops and group therapy sessions. Most importantly, we help build life skills and strategies that allow our patients to maintain enduring sobriety.
Comprehensive, Integrated Treatment Programs
Features of our treatment programs:
- We specialize in treating adults with alcohol use disorder, substance use disorder, and co-occurring mental health conditions.
- Our treatment is provided by addictionologists, psychiatrists, and trauma-informed therapists.
- We offer multiple modalities, including cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), elements of dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), trauma-informed therapy, and music and art therapy.
- We offer opportunities for recreation, exercise, and encourage sober fun.
- Our staff to patient ratio of 4:1 ensures timely, focused support
- 12 months of professional aftercare are included in all residential programs
- Our on-site chefs cook three healthy, nutritious, and hearty meals every day
- A thriving alumni community support all program graduates
- Our family education classes and family therapy programming supports the recovery process
We Bring Hope Back
We know addiction can heartbreaking for both the person in active addiction and for their friends and loved ones. That’s why which our primary goal during alcohol and substance use disorder treatment is to give you hope – and use the power of hope as a tool to achieve long-term sobriety. Our staff is keenly in touch with the power of hope and belief in the treatment process: without hope in a better tomorrow, it’s extremely difficult to put your best foot forward today.
Holistic Recovery
We believe in a holistic approach to recovery. A holistic approach to recovery is not some new-age woo-woo thing. It’s backed by decades of evidence: complete, integrated treatment that addresses the whole person offers the best chance of treatment success.
To that end, we provide a variety of fun, recreational exercise activities to keep you active and healthy. We have a swimming pool, spacious grounds for running and walking, and more. Our on-site chefs prepare hearty, nutritious meals every day, for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. We happily customize your meal to meet dietary needs. Whether your preference is vegan, pork-free, low carb, or gluten-free, we can cook you something you’ll love to eat.
Finally, your family and loved ones are welcome and encouraged to participate in your treatment. Family members can receive their own education and therapy, which helps them cope with their own anxieties about addiction and recovery. When they’re balanced and healthy, they’re better able to help you achieve balance and health – and maintain the sobriety you work so hard to achieve.