Insurance Accepted

Our first-class, luxury residential program accepts most national and regional providers. We also regularly partner with:
- Beacon
- Custom Design Benefits
- Humana
- Optima Health
- Ohio Healthy
If your plan includes out of network benefits, we work to get you the maximum possible coverage. We do not currently accept Medicare or Medicaid.
25 Whitney Drive, Suite 120
Milford, Ohio 45150
Admissions Criteria: The Ridge Professional Program
We create a unique peer environment with an exclusive membership. To enroll in this program, you must meet the following criteria. You must be:
- A medical professional: Physician, nurse, nurse practitioner, physician’s assistant, etc.
- Employed in a profession that requires strict licensure: Lawyer, CPA, pilot, etc.
- A C-Level executive: CEO, COO, CIO, CFO, etc.
- A vice-president level professional: VP Sales, VP Marketing, etc.
- A director-level professional: Director of Finance, Director of HR, etc.
- An owner: You own a business, an organization, or other entity.
- A professional in a position with significant managerial responsibility: You’re responsible for setting and managing budgets, managing others, hiring and firing, representing your company or organization to the public, etc.
If you don’t see your occupation on the list but think you qualify, call us today and we’ll determine if your profession meets our criteria for inclusion.
Our Treatment Approach: Professionals Program
Addiction is a disease that responds positively to evidence-based treatment, lifestyle changes, education, and in some cases, medication. Experienced addiction treatment providers no longer see addiction as a character flaw, a moral failing, or the result of a lack of willpower: those days are long gone. The foundation of our professionals program is the fact that addiction is a chronic medical condition that responds well to appropriate treatment.
In that way, it’s similar to other chronic conditions, such as hypertension or diabetes, which also respond well to treatment that includes specific therapies, lifestyle changes, education, and in some cases, medication.
The first step in recovery in our professionals program is a comprehensive biopsychosocial assessment performed by a comprehensive team including two addictionologists, an internist, a psychiatrist, and licensed counselors. This treatment team gets to know you, your personal history, your addiction history, your medical history, and your treatment goals. Based on this assessment, they collaborate with you to create a custom treatment plan with a diverse array of treatment modalities that leverage your strengths and support your specific needs.
Treatment modalities in our professionals program include:
- Individual therapy:
- Group therapy:
- Family therapy:
- Educational classes and workshops:
- Complementary therapies:
Since each person is different, each person will participate in a different set of therapies derived from those listed above. If yoga doesn’t work for you, we’ll find something that does. If CBT doesn’t help you, your therapist will work with you to find an approach that does. Your path through treatment is not set in stone: we’re results-oriented, and we’ll work with you to find a combination of treatment modalities that give you the greatest chance at treatment success.