Signs You Need Ohio Rehab Centers

When does recreational drug or alcohol use become a problem? If you use alcohol or drugs regularly, it may be difficult to tell. Have you searched for “Ohio rehab centers” to see if you should admit yourself into a rehab center, but have backed out because you may be ashamed to accept that you have a problem? You might even talk yourself out of it, telling yourself your drug or alcohol usage isn’t “that bad” and you’re “doing just fine”. You still go to work, and keep up with responsibilities, even if you aren’t as on top of things as you used to be. You say to yourself, “everything is fine, isn’t it?”

However, you might have started to notice the signs everything isn’t fine. Are you blowing off commitments to use alcohol or drugs? Do you feel like you can’t get through the day without using? These are some examples you may need to look into Ohio rehab centers. If you’ve been wondering if rehab is right for you, look at our list below. If you answer ‘yes’ to any of these questions, you may need to check out the admissions process for Ohio rehab centers.

Do You Use Alcohol or Drugs to Self-Medicate for Mental Health Problems?

Substance Use Disorder (SUD) and Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) commonly co-occur with other mental health issues. A leading hypothesis is people with undiagnosed or untreated mental health disorders self-medicate with alcohol or substances to alleviate their symptoms. Alcohol or drugs can provide feelings of calm or numbness to those suffering from anxiety or depression. The substances temporarily take away the pain of the mental health condition, but the pain will always return. Desperate, one may continue to use in higher quantities or more frequently to cope with the untreated condition. They start to become dependent on the substance to function, and the cycle becomes more intense.

If you’ve found yourself often feeling sad, hopeless, depressed, or anxious, and have turned to alcohol or other substances to alleviate those feelings, you may need to check into rehab. Ohio rehab centers have specially trained staff to treat co-occurring disorders along with SUD and AUD so you can get help for your mental illness and drug dependency.

Do You go to Extreme Lengths to Use Alcohol or Drugs?

Do any of these sound like you?

  • You attend parties solely because you know there will be alcohol or drug usage.
  • You spend more money than you should on alcohol or drugs. You may find yourself going into debt or selling your possessions to purchase more of your substance of choice.
  • You avoid social events or seeing family or friends so you can go home to drink or use drugs.
  • You structure your day around when you can use alcohol or drugs.
  • You obsess over whether you have enough of your drug of choice.

If any of these bullet points describe your usage, this may be a sign you need to seek rehab. Spending money recklessly, seeking out opportunities to use, and avoiding situations where you can’t use are all signs of active addiction.

Do You Lie About Your Usage to Friends and Family?

When asked about your alcohol or drug intake, do you find yourself telling lies? Do you tell your partner or friends that you only had one beer, when you have consumed several? Do you hide drinks or drugs in secret places in your home to avoid being questioned? Do you know that your loved ones wouldn’t approve of your usage habits? If lying, deceit, and sneaking around have become part of your daily routine, you may need to seek rehab.

Do You Experience Withdrawal Symptoms if You Go Too Long Without Using?

If you haven’t had a drink in a few days, do you feel anxious, nauseous, or sweaty? Do you experience headaches, insomnia, or hallucinations? If so, you may be experiencing withdrawal symptoms.

When you use alcohol or drugs regularly, your body becomes used to having the substance in your system. This is called physical dependency. When your body goes without the substance for a period of time, it can experience unpleasant withdrawal symptoms as your body becomes used to functioning without the substance. Withdrawal symptoms can range from mild to severe, depending on what substance you were using, how much of it you were using, and how regularly you were using it.

If you experience withdrawal after just a few days without alcohol or drugs, then it may be time to seek out Ohio rehab centers for medical detox. In a rehab center, medical professionals will monitor your withdrawal symptoms and help alleviate them safely.

Do Your Friends and Family Express Concern About Your Drug Usage?

While you may believe that your drug or alcohol usage is under control, you may not be holding things together as well as you think. If you’ve been told by your partner, family, or friends that they’re concerned about your drinking or drug use, it’s probably time to listen to them.

They may notice changes in your behavior that you thought were hidden or weren’t a big deal. Their concern might seem like an attack, or you may feel as if they’re telling you what to do. It can be hard to push past feeling defensive or guilty when your loved ones point out your drug or alcohol usage. Remember that these are the people who care about you, and they want to see that you’re happy, healthy, and successful. Try to listen to them. If it has been brought up repeatedly by multiple people in your life, it may be time to seek professional help from Ohio rehab centers.

You Meet the DSM-V Criteria for Addiction

Finally, the DSM-V has eleven criteria for substance use disorders. If you meet 2 or more of the following criteria within a 12-month period, you can be diagnosed with substance use disorder.

  • You have used the substance in ways that are hazardous to yourself or others. (Overdosed, driven while under the influence, blacked out, etc.)
  • Substance use has caused social or interpersonal problems in relationships.
  • You’ve failed to meet responsibilities at work, school, or at home because of substance use.
  • You experience withdrawal symptoms when you stop using the substance.
  • You’ve built up a tolerance to the substance, so you have to increase quantities to get the same effects.
  • You’ve started to use larger amounts of the substance or use it for longer periods of time.
  • You’ve repeatedly attempted to cut back or quit, but you haven’t been successful.
  • You spend a large amount of your time using the substance.
  • Substance usage has led to physical or psychological problems.
  • You’ve skipped activities or stopped doing things you used to love so you could use the substance.
  • You have experienced cravings for the substance.

Meeting two or three of these criteria is classified as a mild substance use disorder. Four to five are classified as moderate, and six or more are classified as severe substance use disorder.

Get Help at Ohio Rehab Centers Like The Ridge

You may be ashamed to admit to yourself that you have a problem with alcohol or drug use. It can feel overwhelming and intimidating to check yourself into rehab. However, you don’t need to face recovery alone. The caring addiction professionals at The Ridge can administer an addiction assessment and create a treatment plan for you. Take the first step in recovery and contact The Ridge today.


About Marc Whitsett, M.D.

Dr. Whitsett is Board Certified in Internal Medicine and Addiction Medicine. He is the Medical Director for The Ridge and Northland Treatment Center. You can read his full bio here.